- Manuel Mendez, DPS Sacred Medicine Guide

Changa is a general term used to describe a smoke blend consisting of NN-DMT and harmala alkaloids (natural MAO Inhibitor), both infused into one or a blend of smokable herbs.
Harmalas augment and prolong the effects of DMT, and infusing both on a smokeable herb like mullein makes administering simpler than smoking/vaping DMT crystals.
Ratios of NN-DMT to haramalas, and the type of smokeable herb vary from batch to batch, and each changa alchemist will have their own "preferred" blend.
Because of this, the spectrum of experiences can seem broad, with little consistency
considering potency and dose. This also leads to an abundance of mixed opinions about
changa, it's potential and therapeutic applications, as well as safety.
It's important to distinguish changa from "enhanced leaf" which is simply a smokeable herb or blend, infused with only NN-DMT. This is commonly passed as changa, but the effects tend to be more mild with a much shorter duration than true changa. Sometimes DMT is infused into B. caapi leaf, a common source of haramalas, though unless extra harmalas or caapi extract is added, the experience will also be mild compared to a true changa blend.
Examples of changa blends:
1 Part NN-DMT
1 Part Syrian rue extract
1 Part Mullein
1 Part NN-DMT
1 Part B. caapi extract
1 Part B. caapi leaf
Syrian rue seeds and B. caapi vine or leaf are the most reliable and accessible sources of
natural harmalas. The type of extraction process can vary, affecting the smoke quality and
flavor. Using isolated haramalas instead of a full spectrum extract will affect the experience,
potency, and duration.
As mentioned earlier, each alchemist has their preferred blend of changa - for example some
prefer more harmalas than DMT. Others use a variety of smokable herbs, like lemon balm, blue lotus, passion vine, etc. There is also a practice of adding extracts of aromatic herbs like
lavender or lemon balm to improve flavor and smoking experience.
Changa does have some contraindications, primarily because of the presence of harmalas. They can have severe interactions with many common pharmaceuticals, especially antidepressants like SSRIs or other MAO inhibitors and mood stabilizers. Harmalas can also produce physical discomfort when combined with stimulants such as caffeine, heart medications, and antihistamines.
Set and Setting
During the changa journey, an individual may be completely unresponsive to external stimulation. From the outside, they will look peacefully asleep, with occasional sighs or readjusting of the limbs. In some cases, the person may vocalize through laughter, crying, and sometimes grunts or an occasional scream. Though uncommon, an individual may roll around, shake, or thrash on the ground for a brief moment.
Because of these possibilities, it is crucial to be in a safe and secure environment, with a
facilitator or sitter who is aware of the possibilities and how to respond.
It is recommended to be inside a home, or an enclosed backyard. Laying on the ground or grass is ideal, making the space comfortable with pillows to the journeyers preferences.
Silence is very powerful, though soothing/contemplative music can be beneficial. Genres like
classical Indian music (ragas), spa/massage tunes, meditative world music, or electronic
lounge/down tempo are generally well received.
Administration and Effects
As mentioned several times, the changa experience is highly variable. For this moment, we will be talking about a simple changa blend of equal parts DMT, Syrian extract, and mullein leaf.
General starting dose is 30-40mg, smoked through a pipe or bong (preferably with a stainless steel screen.)
A regular lighter is sufficient, torch lights are not recommended here.
The bowl of the pipe or bong should be loaded with one dose at a time, and should be cleared before adding more.
Depending on the journeyer, it can take 2-4 inhales to finish one dose, which is done by slow deep draws and holding the smoke in for at least 10 seconds.
The effects begin quickly, seconds after the first inhale, though the effects will build slowly and gradually (unlike pure DMT)
The effects peak after a few minutes, and can last 15-20 minutes
After 5-10 minutes of the first dose, it is possible (with assistance) for the journeyer to have a
second dose - an additional 30-40mg - which will intensify and prolong the journey for up to
40 minutes.
While one could continue to "re-dose" a third or fourth time, it can result in headaches and
feelings of "burning out" or "short-circuits" in the brain so it is not recommended.
General subjective effects
Adhering to the simple changa blend of equal parts DMT, Syrian rue extract, and mullein leaf, the effects can range from a state of deep meditation, to visionary journeys into geometries and symbols, to outer body experiences. The experience is often compared to a smoother, more digestible and prolonged DMT experience.
Because of the slower onset, as well as mild sedating properties of Harmalas, especially the
ones in Syrian rue, most journeyers find changa to induce less anxiety and fear than pure DMT.
Post changa and potential therapeutic applications
The majority of participants return from their experience with a deep sense of peace and mental calm. Many experience moments of "inner healing" in the sense that they are able to see or feel the imbalances in their being. Oftentimes they are able to address the imbalance during the session, while others simply gain an understanding on what to do post session to restore balance. Many claim to enter a state or space where they can "see" or "feel" the energy or vibrations that compose their body, while undergoing a sort of "cleansing" or "upgrades."
These "mystical" experiences leave profound impacts in the mood and drive of individuals.
They can interrupt cycles of depression/anxiety/OCD and possibly even addictive tendencies.
On their own, Harmalas have antidepressants properties, while DMT is considered to "reset"
many mental processes.
So while there is little study on the effects of changa, the anecdotal evidence points towards
potential in its role as a therapeutic visionary substance similar to Psilocybin and Ayahuasca.
This article sheds some light on the changa journey that Mr. Mendez gave us at Treasure Beach in 2022. It was part of a "Warriors Journey" and fantastic. The onset of the trip was warm and comforting; nothing like that jittery-ness you get when starting an acid trip. After that second hit of changa and you lay back, the magic show begins. I felt so relaxed and ready to let go, flying disembodied through a space, a gallery.
It was just like they say it is, I felt I was floating inside of an Escher painting, with no connection to the real world; drifting through an impossible building, ancient memories combined with memories from hours ago into one vision. It was the…